Thursday, October 27, 2005

Deceit, Deception & Betrayal

After slogging for a month to write Closing Submissions to a complex 6 week arbitration hearing, I exchange submissions with my opponent only to find that page 1, paragraph 1 of their submissions read as follows:

"1. This case tells the sad story of how [their client] was shut out from the business which they had introduced to [my client]. As this story unfolds, it will expose an elaborate web of deceit, deception and betrayal."

So, page 1, paragraph 1 of my Reply Submissions will read as follows:

"1. First and foremost, it should be painfully obvious that "deceit" and "deception" mean the same thing."

This is a true story. Names have been left out to protect deceivers, betrayers and people with lousy English.

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