Friday, September 15, 2006

I Am A Golfer

I play in a regular foursome.
I'm a single looking for a game.
I get up at hours I'd never consider for any other reason.
I've raced the sun to get in 18.
I have putted for hours in near darkness.

I play the munis.
I belong to a club.
I ride.
I pull.
I carry.
Sometimes the game is medal.
Sometimes match.
I grind for two bucks like it was a thousand.

I still remember my Dad teaching me how to hold a club.
And I'll never forget the day I beat him.
I have been coached by everyone from club pros to guys at the range.
And each time I believe they might hold the answer.
But I know where the answer lies.
It's found in the dirt.

I keep my clubs in my trunk.
I've looked away when opponents are struggling,

to give them some space.
My favourite sound is the chatter of my clubs on my back.
Some say I care too much.
They don't understand.

Golf doesn't begin on the first tee,
And it doesn't end on the 18th green.
It is a lifelong journey.

I am a golfer.
I love this game.
Its history is my history.
Its rules are my laws.
The course is my home.
Golfers are my family.


See the commercial.

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